Saturday 10 May 2014


Good Evening, Friends!!!
It has been a very long time since I wrote a post for you. This time my reason for not writing is completely different from my previous explanations or excuses :) 
I recently relocated to Johannesburg on the 31st April 2014 for a New Job. Yes, that is the main reason why I have not been posting. Early last month (April) I was called by National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS) human resource practitioner congratulating me that they have employed me as their Epidemiologist and I am expected to start on the 1st May 2014, she then later sent me my contract.
If you have been following me for longer you will know that I was working for the Department of Health and that 2years back I was in Australia to train for Epidemiology at Masters Level. After coming back last year - I had to serve my Department before applying for relevant posts to my qualifications in other institutions. I did that, and later also applied for some posts that were never confirmed/acknowledged receipt of by institutions I sent my applications to.
For these qualifications, I knew I had little experience in the field but had practiced some of the Key Performance Areas, not all of them - that's years back when I immediately came out from varsity for my community service and also 1 year of Independent Practice for Environmental Health. Getting a relevant job was not gonna be easy even though I have Masters ... both Theory and Expirience are vital in this field.  
We all start from somewhere  though, that's the honest truth - all we need is someone to give us a chance and prove ourselves whilst accumulating that experience employers are hungry for. After many months of avoiding to think about Epidemiology and all the 5 applications I sent after my return - mid March this year I was invited to 2 interviews from the 5 applications that I never got response from.  This was shocking cause I kind of let go and forgotten bout them thinking some lucky individuals were already employed.
My hopes went up but simultaneously  had fear of not getting the post. On the interview day: seeing many individuals I know from growing up practising Epidemiology in the same interview made me loose hope altogether as I considered myself a small fry compared to them who had tons of experience..... To my shock, on the 1st of April 2014 it was revealed that I happened to be successful in one of the interviews. I guess, Yehova always know what we need or deserve also when to bring everything.
This appointment to NHLS/National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) came at the right time and I really would like to acknowledge that its the best thing that has ever happened for me in the past year as I have been stressed and unhappy the entire year 2013. Being patient and humble really do have its benefits or blessings especially to people like me who accepts the tests thrown to regardless of how bad and ugly they are. I really survived 2013, how??? I don't know and right now I am gifted with a great job in a highly reputable institution where clinicians and health professionals most need to work.
Getting accommodation in Johannesburg closer to my place of work was a huge struggle especially because I was 980kms away and also accommodation in this province is very expensive but towards my last days of April 2014 I found it with the help of my dear friend Pumla who I sent for inspection and all. I needed 2 bedroomed cottage but I ended up settling for a 1 bedroomed cottage apartment. It is very big although it has a single bedroom and looks like it has recently been renovated too: nice landlord. 
What made me settle for this cottage are the big built in closets in the bedroom also the bathroom had a closet - a very big one to compliment the bedroom one. So, it was a relief for me as I have so many clothes. Looks like this cottage was meant for a couple with a kid or just them solo. There's enough space for 1-3 people. Moving in and putting everything where its supposed to has been another pain which I am still sorting out even right now.
On the 1st May I started working having fear of how my colleagues would turn out to be. All I can say is I am really blessed cause all of them are people I relate to - people who are easy to approach and have a decent conversation, so it really is a good idea I came. My bosses are my bosses, lol ... nice but are my bosses and seniors: really, i cant ask for anything else. I am happy with how things turned out overall. I am familiarising myself with everything the institution is all about and all I am supposed to do to contribute towards that. It really is a nice feeling being around here.
Even though it is really busy and am 100% focussed on my new work - soon id like to meet all of you staying around the city maybe through a yard sale I am planning to have. I am a hoarder and I think its time to let go of some things I am really not using anymore especially Clothing Items. Besides that, we can have a ladies lunch or drink hour to personalise this experience of blogging. You all have been wonderful ... just wanna attach names to faces if you know what I mean :)
Again, that is why I have been silent. Moving from one province to the other - which is by the way 980kms away is really not a childs play - moreover, resigning from an institution that raised me from being an adolescent to woman for 9years is emotionally wrecking. I really come from far :) 
If it happens that you see me anywhere here in Gauteng Province please say hi, even though you might be someone im not familiar with. Many people like visiting this page and I know some of you just like to read and look at pictures and are not too keen giving feedback so, I might not recognise you in that regard. I am proud to say, all those who communicate by leaving feedback I know them ... I make an effort to on my side.
I have been welcomed to Jozi by my friend Pumla and I am still in need of being welcomed by my other friends and be shown around.
It is sad that ever since landing here I am lacking a camera lady/man for my daily outfits and this will also contribute negatively to the blog - I must just say it has already affected me and the page but hope this will not go on for longer. I am still warming up with my new colleagues so, I can ask them to snap me whenever an opportunity avails itself.
That is my life right now in Jozi of Mzansi.
Good Night, Ladies and Gentlemen ...... you are all updated now and that makes me happy :) 


  1. Congratulations! Happy that your patience was rewarded and I know that you will be successful! Continued Blessings to you.

  2. Congratulations, Thuli! I am so happy for you! I recently moved from the United States to Johannesburg as a PhD student. I would love it if you had a meet up, and especially, a yard sale, lol! I'll be on the look out!

  3. Congrats! Welcome to Jozi. (Call me and I'll be your tripod human.)

  4. Hi Thulie, Congratulations on your new job and welcome to Gauteng, I would like to meet you and possibly hang out from time to time, check out my blog on, i will definitely be at the yard sale, cant wait!

  5. Let me know about the yard sale. I'm down.

  6. I know they aren't the same as a person, and you might get some strange looks, but a tripod is really useful. Some of them are quite discreet, too. Congratulations again on the new job :)
