Wednesday 10 July 2013

Curves Around The World: Week 7 - Denim

Good morning, gorgeous ladies!!!
As the group of Curves Around The World we are hitting week 7 this week - yey!!! Ever since we have started it has been a jolly ride working with my fab lady friends from around the globe. This experience means a lot to me as a blogger and as just being me - it is really such an honour being part of Curves Around The World group representing my country and myself as an advocate for plus size and also showcasing how size is no excuse not to look fab at all times.
I am bigger than the rest of my group mates but that doesn't intimidate me at all because I am me and I am 120% comfortable in my own skin. I like the fact that I represent a group of females who are wearing size 22 and beyond as you don't normally get many bloggers representing this group especially in South Africa. This might be because people can be very cruel and rude instead of accepting and motivating whoever comes to the picture to do the right thing for the benefit of all in our countries.
 So many women are so lost as to what to wear or not as we have limited options for plus sized women as a result you will find these women wearing ill fitting clothes because of being able to access what is available on the market.
I am here standing tall just to represent all women in similar situations in the hope that they will get inspired and see that we can always look normal and beautiful with cheap playful clothes that we can buy from available retailers and also show that we can tailor clothes to our satisfaction to spice things up with our ensembles.
I am young and obviously struggling with my weight: so what??? Really, so what??? Should I be miserable at home and wear less appetising items made for plus sized grown up when ever I go out or go to work - Hell NO ... I refuse to do that. I did not gain this weight over night and therefore wont lose it over night either - besides I am losing weight for me not for the world. So, when I slip and not continue with my program as I am supposed to - that should be understandable because I AM HUMAN .... So, don't judge me!!!
This post is about this weeks fab theme: DENIM. My outfit is inspired by the Americana Trend going on here in South Africa and a post by EatStylePlay recent post. I wore this outfit on a Sunday afternoon after coming from the church meetings. I felt great and looked the part too, I know because compliments kept coming my way :)
I bought the skirt I am wearing many years ago and just decided to recycle it to a mini skirt coz it used to be a knee length. I don't often wear my Dr Martens because of the nature of my job and during weekends I always have plenty of other things to try out especially things I get from the thrift.
I have many pairs of Dr Martens that I bought from DrMartensUSA-Store and also bought one pair in Asos. Wearing these USA online Store bought Shiraz Buttero docs made my day because they are so comfy and so on trend in the world - everyone envy me especially for this oxblood colour :)  
The message I am sending with this post is that. I love me very much and if its weekend I let loose, what can I do really??? I am young and my fabulosity needs to shine all the time weekend or weekday... I am happy I am not an uptight all serious person because I get to enjoy what life offers me without hesitation.
I would advise that - you must challenge yourself and wear something you would never wear in any day but secretly have been wishing you could. This exercise is so fulfilling and brings peace to yourself because you are doing this for yourself and in the process would notice that people don't give a hoot as to what you wear or don't as they are also busy carrying on with their lives.
I am a sucker for challenges but the biggest I cant beat so far is my weight loss challenge!!! I love this challenge though,,,, because it is teaching me all the things other challenges I come across don't. From it, I get to learn about self discipline, self love and worthiness, being patient & focussed, cheering my own self towards success, a believer and mostly faith... What other challenge would beat this really???  
To those who are regular visitors - when you hear DENIM theme: what did you think my outfit would be??? To new visitors, do you think I have knocked out this denim themed outfit???
Thank you for reading.
A message from you would be highly appreciated and yes, please remember following me on bloglovin :)

Please check out my fellow blogger friends how they have matched up with this weeks DENIM theme. Their links are as follows:

Kate from Australia: SparklesandLace
Helen from England: EveryoneshouldSparkle
Nina from the USA: CurvyMod
Laura from Canada: LavishLaura

Thulie :)


  1. I love this outfit. You are ROCKING it! Love the jumper, skirt and boots.

    1. I love it too - thanx you thank you Leah :)

  2. Rep the USA, Thuli! Woot Woot! You look great as usual!

    1. Thanks Latonya - a girl does what she has got to do :) Stop being a stranger sweetheart!!!

  3. You did a great job on this weeks theme Thulie, I love how you altered the skirt to be shorter, I wish I did that to some of the skirts I had before that were too long. I really love the top too and the oxblood boots too, they are such a great color. But yeah I really enjoy doing these theme challenges with you ladies as well, its great seeing what everyone has come up with. Oh and I love the idea of wearing new things, I know I sometimes get in a funk and I wear similar outfits that I'm comfortable in all the time but your right it's always good to challenge yourself as well. Great post as usual Thulie! :)


    1. thanx Nina: a girl has got to be creative - and you, are just that!!! Lets leave out of the box for a lil :)

  4. Girl, you rock every outfit! Love the American theme. You look great! Love the fact we are wearing things we might not always wear :)

    1. I love experimenting and happy to have all of you to explore our worlds with clothing and just be creative :)

  5. Right....let's try this comment again for like the 100th time! lol I love your outfit! you have such amazing style and a great body you should be proud of it! I always look forward to seeing your posts! :) I will have to come and visit you and get some serious style tips girl :) xxx

    1. thank you kate that means a lot, you are just bein modest - your style is way too awesome and very much sexy - I always steal your make up tips and love your collection of dresses and how you wear them - mixin and matchin your items with your fab accessories from your accessory closet ... cant wait for the visit so you can share your fab style with me, as for me its trial and error as long as I move forward educated each week on what works best with my figure :)

  6. Gorgeous! Loving that skirt so much! I pretty much wear dark denim all of the time. Looks like I need to branch out ;)

    1. thank you girl, you better branch out :)

  7. You rock this outfit so well!

    1. thanx Diana, you have an amazing blog - ill continuously visit :)

  8. That sweater is too cool, and I am DEFINITELY envying those oxblood Docs!
    I love seeing other plus size bloggers who actually are my size, or at least close to it. Of course, I enjoy a lot of blogs run by straight-size people, and smaller plus-size people, but there's something about being of a similar size to a blogger that's just nice.
    But regardless of all that, this look is awesome. :)

    1. thanx Sarah...the feeling is mutual with regards to plus size bloggers, I feel better visiting their pages because I totally relate with them and the issues they go through :)

  9. Thulie !! OMG you rock that outfit! Soo badass!

    Have a nice weekend
    ♥ Bine

    1. tnx Bine, I never thought id ever wear like this .. its all thanx to our CATW challenges because they help us push the boundaries :)

  10. I found your blog via Elle of Eat, Style, Play. Awesome to find out that you're African, too! (I'm Nigerian-American).

    Anywho, cute top! You picked a great person to be inspired by cause Elle got some style. Meanwhile, I'm diggin' your hair even more.

  11. Love it!! OMG! The oxblood Docs *weeps*

    1. thanks, they are really BAD ... I understand. you better invest in a pair sooner than later - check bid or buy - you might get something similar or way better :)

  12. You are very inspiring hun. I saw your look on Stylista..shined it of course. You look wonderful.

    1. thank you MissB, I really appreciate girl :)

  13. Love this look on you! You rock, Thulie!
