Monday, 10 June 2013


Hello, ladies!
I was called and emailed on Thursday, invited to the auditions of Kabelo's Bootcamp. It is a new show that targets overweight individuals both males and females. It will air on a new DSTV channel from the 01st July 2013. For now they are busy choosing, evaluating and preparing the 10 contestants until the show begins.
On Friday. I had a meeting with my employer requesting to be released and be part of this awesome weight loss challenge program for a period of 3months together with all the other days they will need to make me go through psychometric tests with medical consultations will all professionals who are part of this program.
Unfortunately, my manager rejected this requests reminding me that I just came back from two years of study leave for my Masters and therefore should continue serving for that time instead of asking for another leave of absence on top of that one. Moreover, she just has made me act in a senior management position so my absence will not only affect my current section but will also affect the second one I am acting in.
My boss really kinda made sense but I am honestly very much hurt that today I could not go and explore this awesome opportunity as well as the next coming 3months that could have changed my life through weight loss.
I need to lose this weight this year especially my targeted 40kgs and I know if I went for auditions today they were definitely gonna take me to be part of the show. Who wouldn't take this fabulosity really???? Lol.  
I have been mopping and moaning all weekend and my flu got even worse with hurt and frustration that I am not even going for the auditions as well. This bootcamp was really gonna be my platform to show the entire world that anything is possible and great things surely do happen to anyone in due time ofcoz.
All we need to have is faith. Faith that is partially present to me right now as I have been stoked and joyful ever since I was invited to participate. I was already even imagining exercising with theee KABELO (from TKZee) himself as he is the fitness ambassador (also known as Minister of Fitness).
I am so bitter because all I need is the intensity of this program and other candidates in a similar position  to support each other to lose this weight and acquire long term skills to keep the weight off through healthy eating and exercise education that they are offering.
Out of misery and anger I went back to my Zumba today just dancing my stress away.  I guess the plan from now on is just to dance my butt off and go with the same pace of the contestants from the show and just make myself feel like I am part of it with all of them.
So, to all of you ladies: I guess I need to start being serious and be a living proof this time that losing weight is possible only if the mind is in good state and also sustain consistency which needs a lot of courage to continue and move forward. I guess ill milk my courage from all of you when you are cheering me up to move forward. Please do help with that (cheering and suggestions).
So please help me to help others.

Until next time ladies: exercise, exercise and eat healthy - it is a right thing for you :)


  1. Sorry huny. I have no doubt you will find another way to reach your goal weight.
    This is just not your platform.


    1. I hope I will MissB. It is so difficult exercising on my own. Having others would have been of help and because I am person who loves challenges I really believe I was gonna lose my entire target weight or more. Im really disappointed but I better think of plan B. Thanks gal. xo

  2. I'm sorry you weren't able to go to the casting call...but many people are able to lose the weight with persistence and motivation. I will happily cheer you on behind my keyboard. :-) I'm trying to lose weight too...I've been going to the gym (not as often as I should), but baby steps. LOL You can do this...I have faith in you!

    1. Hi Crystal ... thank you so much for your support it really means a lot. Yes, I have to take baby steps as you are saying. Ill do a bit a day and I am sure eventually change will be visible enough to satisfy me. Again gal, thank you so much caring enough to write back. I feel better and motivated, tnx. xo

  3. hello ladies I would really love to join the wonderful life changing experience I AM SO STRUGGLING TO LOOSE WEIGHT thing is Iv been to the gym I have been discouraged I am young and would really love to change my life

    1. hi, you can continue following this blog and hopefully u will be motivated to go back to the gym and lose weight. good luck nombuso :)

  4. THANK YOU for the words of encouragement sister
