Monday, 27 May 2013

Fitness First

Ladies, how are you this Monday morning?
Last week on Monday I started doing my Zumba with the aim of bringing my sexy back, lol ... its really more than that.
 On a serious note: I have been feeling very sluggish and bloated and as a result my energy levels have been very low... moods were just terrible, I just felt very ill. On Sunday last week when I was busy doing spring cleaning at home I came across my body scale. Immediately I felt very sick... feeling guilty for so many reasons but hopped on regardless cause I have not been monitoring my weight for a while (3months to be specific).   Discovery was that, I have gained so much on this period and I was very hurt because I am the one who did that to myself.
I love my food and all I need to do is just limit the portions and exercise consistently. I am very lazy to exercise because we don’t have a gym place close to where I live and exercising at home alone is even much difficult.  I bought Zumba and Taebo cds with the hope that I’ll be a able to just do it on my own but failed dismal.
 After realising I have been piling up weight slowly but surely. I decided to try out Zumbaring at home on my own and just be on a quest to finish a Zumba 10 days accelerated program. Today, I'm on my 8th day having commited to this program. I have been waking up at 5:30am and just dance for 60minutes and then prepare to go to work.
In one of the days, I was unable to do the hour that I normally use for my Zumba dance but decided to do a 20minutes express routine instead of not exercising at all. So I feel like im on top of things for now and I have been tweaking everything to suit my needs.
Before I started this 10days accelerated program, I have been indulging in all sorts of junk. I love savoury foods and i'm not a sweet tooth person. My guilty pleasures are a packet of crisps, meat and bread.  
All I am saying in this post that even though it is winter, no gym place around or not having a gym partner to motivate us, we can do this on our own even if there is no one to help us along. All we need is determination, focus and having a clear purpose and goal to achieve consistent exercise routine and managing our weight.
My quest is to loose at least 40kgs before summer and so far from this challenge I have lost 3.8kgs. Continuing like I have been doing in the past week, I will get to my destination by summer.
Id be very much pleased if you could advise on how I could stay focussed and avoid to slip, I have been on this road before but I don’t seem to be able to finish the way I start the race. I slipped before due to lack of motivation and just gave up before the race was over.
Lets get talking girls, how do you stay in shape even if it is winter???
 Zumba Dance

 This is what we need to be eating, even though it is hard!!!

Lets getting moving and stay healthy ladies :)
Tulz :)


  1. I also love my food; and I am not willing to ever go on a soup diet or something crazy like that..I'de rather exercise a lot.
    I used to do Zumba at home alone as well...then I joined my current company that has a gym at work..soo grateful for that. What I am trying to say is..keep it up, I know how hard it is especially in winter.

    1. Good for you MissB, to be having a gymnasium at your workplace. I really have no choice but do what I can under the circumstances. Thanx for your input gal.

  2. Great post, sis! I've been singing the "I need to get fitter" song for as long as I can remember but I realise that I need to do it now more than ever, being at my heaviest and all. I haven't done Zumba before but think I'd fair better with it as I've done indoor fitness in the past. Wishing you all the best!

    If you need motivation then maybe you can use this blog as your accountability place -- posting a weekly reflection post and how far you are. It doesn't even have to be about the weight or tracking kilos but rather a feature in which you share your fitness journey. I dunno.

    1. Hey, Noms! You have been very scarce. I tried visiting your page several times but have been unable to leave any kind of feedback, Do I have to join disqus to be able to comment? Wasup really?

      Back to your comment!! Gal I really thought of doing exactly that i.e. using the blog as the accounting place for my weight management. That really might give me courage to be focussed, get in shape and mostly lose the intended weight, So, i'm gonna just do that weekly. Thank you for confirming that I can actually document my journey here.

      Cheers for now gal

    2. LOL! I know! I sometimes lose track of all the wonderful posts I have to catch up on. You don't need a disqus account to comment as far as I know, there are about four tracking methods (a google account is one of them.)

      And I think you can totally use YOUR blog to share the fitness aspect of your life. Lots of your readers might even find the posts helpful.

      All of the best!

    3. Thanx gal ... Let the games begin then :)

  3. Thulisa, I.can.completely.relate! I am so proud of your progress because it's tough! You have motivated me to do something starting today. Would you be a partner with me in this effort?!? I can keep you posted on my weekly progress and we can hold one another accountable...what do you think?

    1. Hey Latonya!
      Loosing weight is really tough especially when you don't have a partner, so id be pleased to be your partner so we can really motivate each other and achieve our targeted weight. thank you so much for the suggestion.
      Cheers for now :)

  4. Awesome, Thulisa! Thank you so much! I am super excited. My goal is to lose 55 pounds or 25 kgs. We can do this!

  5. I've always wanted to start being active but after the birth of my baby in march 2012 I've gained up to 25 kgs and I still look at my body and shake my head. If only I could afford that Zumba dvd program I'd try and lose the 25 kilos. Maybe I also need motivation, a partner to actually do away with the extra weight. My home weakness is Meaty meals and Coke almost everyday. Since this is an old post how far are you now? Are you still on the Zumba program? Have you changed your diet? M
    Much love.
